Counselling Options


DoorWays is a single session, walk-in counselling service:

  • Available to youth and adults without an appointment or referral
  • A health care professional will meet with you and discuss your concerns on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • DoorWays provides information and support focused on your need. Some examples of what you may want to discuss are: family, health, grief, work, relationships, stress, anxiety, depression, drinking or drug use.

DoorWays is not an emergency service. In an emergency, call 911 or 811 to speak with a Healthline Nurse, or proceed to the nearest emergency department.

To find DoorWays in your area:

  • Call 811 and a Healthline nurse will provide you with a location near you.

Community Counsellors
Counsellors are available to support individuals who have mental health or substance use concerns as well as family/friends who are affected. If you are experiencing concerns related to any of the following:

  • Alcohol and Drugs
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Mental Illness
  • Relationships
  • Smoking
  • Gender and Identity
  • Eating Disorders
  • Fear and Phobias
  • Grief and Loss
  • Depression
  • Parenting
  • Sexual, Physical and Emotional Abuse
  • Suicide
  • Anger
  • Family Issues
  • Gambling

or any other concern that is affecting your mental health and wellbeing, you may want to speak to a counsellor.

To find a counsellor near you:

  • Service Directory, or
  • Call 811 and a Healthline nurse will provide you with a contact number.

Eating Disorder Counselling – HOPE Program
Healthy Opportunities for People with Eating Disorders

The Hope Program is for you and your family if you are 15+ and have been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or other specified feeding and eating disorder. We are available to anyone in the province by phone and we are also at the Renata Elizabeth Withers Centre for Hope on Major’s Path in St. John’s so that you can begin your journey to wellness in a trusting, supportive environment.