Provincial Wait Time Benchmark Update: Q2 2011-2012

During the second quarter of 2011-2012: (July 1 to September 30), wait time information demonstrates that residents of Newfoundland and Labrador continue to receive timely access to benchmark procedures. Nearly 100 per cent of patients requiring radiation treatment for cancer continue to receive access within the benchmark of 28 days. Cardiac bypass surgery patients are also receiving surgery within the nationally recommended timeframes. Nearly three quarters of patients underwent cataract procedures within 112 days. Hip replacement wait times improved slightly again this quarter, with 83 per cent of surgeries being performed within 182 days. In addition, almost 9 out of 10 surgeries had their hip fractures repaired within the 48 hour benchmark.

Curative Radiotherapy

The national benchmark for radiation treatment is 28 days. Wait time information for this quarter demonstrates that 96 per cent of 279 newly diagnosed cancer patients began radiation treatment within the 28 day target. The time in which half (median) of these patients waited to begin treatment was 21 days; nine out of 10 patients (90th percentile) began treatment within 26 days.

Cardiac Bypass Surgery

The national benchmark consists of three tiers: Level 1 within 14 days; Level 2 within 42 days; and Level 3 within 182 days. Wait time data during this quarter demonstrated: 100% of Level 1 cases were completed within 7 days; 94 per cent of Level 2 cases were completed in 42 days; and 100% of Level 3 cases were completed in 182 days. Median wait times ranged from 1 day for Level 1, 3 days for Level 2 and 10 days for Level 3; the 90th percentile was 3, 21, and 65 days respectively. At the end of September 2011, 28 patients were waiting for cardiac bypass surgery.


The national benchmark for cataract surgery is 112 days. There were more than 1039 cataract surgeries completed in this quarter, of which 676 were first eye procedures. Provincially, there were 326 fewer cases performed this quarter as a result of the summer surgical slowdown. In the Eastern region, 67 per cent of first eye cases were performed in 112 days; the median was 72 days; and the 90th percentile was 188 days. In the Central region, the number of surgeries completed in 112 days ranged from 69 to 98 per cent; the median ranged from 39 to 87 days; and the 90th percentile ranged from 57 to 189 days. In the Western region, 93 per cent of cases were completed within the benchmark of 112 days; the median was 35 days; and the 90th percentile was 85 days. In the Labrador-Grenfell region, no cataract surgeries were completed this quarter.

Hip Replacement

The national benchmark for hip replacement surgery is 182 days. During this quarter, 80 hip replacements were performed in the province. Eastern region completed 74 per cent of cases within the 182 day benchmark; the median was 112 days; and the 90th percentile was 414 days. Central region completed all hip replacement surgeries within 60days; the median was 29 days; and the 90th percentile was 58 days. In the Western region, 100 per cent of the cases were completed within 182 days; the median was 59 days; and the 90th percentile was 97 days. A low number of cases were performed in the Labrador-Grenfell region; as a result the data results are suppressed.

Knee Replacement

The national benchmark for knee replacement surgery is 182 days. During this quarter, 102 of the 192 knee replacement procedures were performed in the Eastern region. Nearly 40 per cent were completed within the 182 day benchmark; the median was 217 days; and the 90th percentile was 586 days. In the Central region, 91 per cent of cases were completed within the benchmark; the median was 117 days; and the 90th percentile was 176 days. In the Western region, 100 per cent of knee replacements were completed within 182 days; the median was 95 days; and the 90th percentile was 167 days. In the Labrador-Grenfell region, 100 per cent of the cases were completed in 118 days; the median was 47 days; and the 90th percentile was 68 days.

Hip Fracture Repair

The national benchmark for hip fracture surgery is 48 hours. More than 115 patients required hip fracture surgery in this quarter. In the Eastern region, 80 per cent of cases were carried out within 48 hours; the median wait was 33 hours and 18 minutes; and the 90th percentile was 60 hours and 11 minutes. In the Central region, 100 per cent of cases were done within the benchmark; the median wait was 8 hours and 43 minutes; and the 90th percentile was 24 hours and 32 minutes. In the Western region, 95 per cent of hip fracture surgeries were completed within 48 hours; the median was 24 hours and 36 minutes; and the 90th percentile was 41 hours and 49 minutes. No hip fracture surgeries were performed in the Labrador-Grenfell region this quarter.

Provincial Wait Times Data
2011-12 Quarter 2: July 1 to September 30

Service Area Pan-Canadian benchmarks Newfoundland and LabradorWait Times- Second Quarter(July 1 – September 30, 2011)
Curative Radiotherapy Within 4 weeks (28 days) of being ready to treat.
  • 96%
Coronary Bypass Surgery (CABG) Level 1 Within 2 weeks (14 days)
  • 100% within 7 days
Level 2 Within 6 weeks (42 days)
  • 94%
Level 3 Within 26 weeks (182 days)
  • 100%
Cataract Within 16 weeks (112 days) for patients who are at high risk.
  • Eastern Health: 67% First eye
  • Central Health (Gander): 69% First eye
  • Central Health (GFW): 98% First eye
  • Western Health: 93% First eye
  • Labrador-Grenfell Health: NS
  • Provincial: 74%
Hip Replacement Within 26 weeks (182 days)
  • Eastern Health: 74%
  • Central Health: 100% in 60 days
  • Western Health: 100%
  • Labrador-Grenfell Health: DS
  • Provincial: 83%
Knee Replacement Within 26 weeks (182 days)
  • Eastern Health: 39%
  • Central Health: 91%
  • Western Health: 100%
  • Labrador-Grenfell Health: 100% within 118 days
  • Provincial: 62%
Hip Fracture Repair Fixation within 48 hours
  • Eastern Health: 80%
  • Central Health: 100%
  • Western Health: 95%
  • Labrador-Grenfell Health: NS
  • Provincial: 86%
Breast Screening Women aged 50-69 every two years
  • Participation rates will be updated on an annual basis.
Cervical Screening Women, starting at age 18, every three years to age 69 after two normal pap tests.
  • Participation rates will be updated on an annual basis.

Data Source: Regional Health Authorities, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Notes: Hip replacement data are suppressed (DS) for the Labrador Grenfell Health region, as a small volume of cases were performed during this quarter. Also in this quarter, zero cataract and hip fracture repair surgeries (NS) were performed in this region.
Date: March 15, 2012