Logbook Information

A logbook is a written record of an apprentice’s progress through an apprenticeship. It contains a listing of the in-school training required/completed, the work skills obtained on-the-job, and the total number of hours worked in the trade.

Credit for Previous Work Experience

If you have previous work experience that you believe is related to your apprenticeship, complete the following form and submit it to an Apprenticeship Program Officer:

Record of Work Experiences for Pre-Apprenticeship Credits form.

Please note:  If you have not yet received a logbook, this Record of Employment Hours form can be used on a temporary basis to record your employment hours.

Progression/Class Call Schedule

  • 5400 hour trade sample progression/class call scheduleImage of Logbook
  • 7200 hour trade sample progression/class call schedule

Logbook Replacement

To replace a lost logbook, contact an Apprenticeship Program Officer, and pay the replacement fee online by clicking here:  Logbook Replacement Fee.